Sunday, November 2, 2008


Today, i want to talk about obesity...Obesity to me is hell its a problem it brings problem to us as it can kill us. i afraid to be an obese cause it can kill me so i careful of my foods. Now, when i hang out i can see obese people everyway it was because of the easy living standard in Brunei, people can have their food anytime they want and anywhere they like as there was to many restaurants and fast-food restaurant in Brunei.. even at my grandparent`s house i also can see two of my uncle are obese,they like to eat fast-food and they never do physical activities.when i ask them to join me jogging during evening they said thet they were tired but actually they were lazy..HUH!! at my cousin`s house also there is an obese person too that is my cousin..HUHUHU.. im tired to see obese people they make me want to die..but not really..heheheh!!!.I hope that no more obese people in Brunei . Obesity is a condition in which excess body fat was accumulated to such an extent that health may be negatively affected.Obesity is the state of being seriously overweight.Obesity can reduce our life expectancy as it affected our health negatively. we are consider as obesity when we have a Body Mass Index(BMI) of 30kg/m2 or higher. Obesity can be treat by dieting and physical activities, if fails, anti-obesity drugs and briatric surgery can be tried. so to all don`t eat to much fast-food and do your diet.


♥ Hanim Naim ♥ said...

Hahaha. You are sure an anti-obese person. =D Well, quite interesting, Zatul.

david santos said...

Happy Lunar New Year!!!!